Guardian Angels' Newsletter Term 4 Week 3 2024
Coming Up
From the Principal
From the Assistant Principal Administration
From the Acting Assistant Principal Religious Education
From the Primary Learning Leader
Bandanna Day 24th October
Student Awards
School Fees
From the Tuckshop
P&F 2024 Survey
AGM Notice & Nominations
Year 1 Tuckshop & Swimming
End of Year Disco
Book Club
Sports Aerobics
Bookclub Volunteer
Community News
Coming Up
Week 3
Friday 18 October
Tuckshop Open (order must be in by 7.30am)
Swimming Lessons Years 1 & 2
First Contact Excursion Year 4
Week 4
Monday 21 October
Uniform Shop Open, 7.30am - 10.30am
RSE Presentation Years 5 & 6
Tuesday 22 October
Run Club, 8.05am
Wednesday 23 October
Tuckshop Open (order must be in by 7.30am)
Thursday 24 October
Tuckshop Open (order must be in by 7.30am)
Uniform Shop Open, 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Newstead House Excursion Year 2
Friday 25 October
Tuckshop Open (order must be in by 7.30am)
Swimming Lessons Years 1 & 2
Week 5
Monday 28 October
Uniform Shop Open, 7.30am - 10.30am
Tuesday 29 October
Run Club, 8.05am
Prep Orientation #2 for students commencing in 2025
Wednesday 30 October
Tuckshop Open (order must be in by 7.30am)
Assembly 1.50pm
Thursday 31 October
Tuckshop Open (order must be in by 7.30am)
Uniform Shop Open, 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Friday 1 November
Tuckshop Open (order must be in by 7.30am)
Swimming Lessons Years 1 & 2
From the Principal
At Guardian Angels, our Year 5 and Year 6 students are recognised as student leaders. We are excited to share that our Year 5/6 Leadership Program has been showcased by the Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) marketing team. This recognition highlights the dedication and achievements of our young leaders.
Leadership at Guardian Angels is focused on learning skills to build effective relationships, by strengthening each child’s own awareness of their leadership identity.
Our aim is to provide our students with authentic leadership experiences within an Assisi framework, that encompasses ‘LIVE the GA Way’. Through Gospel inquiry, students are provided with opportunities:
- To see (head): Identify their leadership identity
- To act (hands): Live our motto ‘To Achieve Life’
- To connect (heart): Enable a rich relationship with God
Our leadership program incorporates the Personal and Social Capability, within the General Capabilities of the Australian Curriculum. The program teaches and models leadership skills such as listening, problem-solving, working in teams, unpacking friendship to appreciate people’s differences, setting and tracking goals, and effective communication. Giving each student the responsibility to make a difference in the classroom and school by serving others to contribute to our school community, provides our leaders with a sense of purpose.
Students in Year 5, engage in three focus areas of leadership development over the year. Each area and focus are outlined below:
- Resilience (to see): Developing individual identity as a leader
- Ur Strong (to act): Creating a culture of kindness]
- Team Building (to connect): Decision-making, problem solving, collaboration, and respect for others.
Students in Year 6, engage as Servant Leaders in three working committees as outlined below:
- Spirit (to see): This committee is responsible for supporting and providing opportunities for faith formation of students and the wellbeing of students.
- Service (to act): This committee is responsible for supporting and providing opportunities for our school community to ‘LIVE’ the GA Way.
- Stewardship (to connect): This committee is responsible for supporting and providing opportunities for our school community to create a sustainable future
We are immensely proud of our students and their contributions to our school community.
Child Youth Risk Management Strategy (CYRMS) and BCE Safeguarding Policy Framework
Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) are committed to ensuring safe, supportive and inclusive communities, where all students can grow and thrive.
The safety and wellbeing of students and adults-at-risk is paramount, and BCE have a zero tolerance for abuse and exploitation.
We all have a role to play to ensure that students are safe and feel safe – safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, and it’s embedded in all that we do.
BCE has a new Safeguarding Policy Framework which clarifies our approach to safeguarding and is available via the links below:
BCE Policies Guardian Angels' School Website
Further information about how we safeguard students is also found in our revised Child and Risk Youth Management Strategy (2024-2025) on the school website via:
Printed copies of both documents are available at the school office upon request.
The safeguarding policy framework applies to key adults who engage with BCE schools, including parent volunteers.
If you have concerns or worries about a student, you can contact the identified Student Protection Contacts (SPC) at school via (07) 3396 4486.
The Guardian Angels’ Student Protection Contacts are listed below:
- Veronica Tomerini-Smith (Principal)
- Nicole Waller (Assistant Principal Administration)
- Renae Haggitt (Guidance Counsellor)
From the Assistant Principal Administration
Good afternoon lovely families,
Last newsletter (Week 1), I was discussing the importance of consistent and punctual attendance to school and how important this is for each one of our beautiful students. We are particularly committed at Guardian Angels to supporting our wonderful families in their efforts to maintain consistent and punctual school attendance for your child/ren.
To optimize educational outcomes for EVERY STUDENT, regular school attendance must be prioritized. This means that students arrive at school on time every day and remain at school for duration of the school day.
There are many factors that influence student achievement, engagement at school and their overall wellbeing. Attendance (including arriving at school on time and remaining at school for the duration of the day) is an important contributor to a student’s academic achievement – all school days matter.
At Guardian Angels’ we would like to focus on not only ensuring that our students are attending school consistently but are also arriving at school on time and remaining at school for the duration of the school day. We want to optimise every learning opportunity and school experience for each one of our students.
Students are expected to arrive at school before our first bell sounds at 8:25am. Arriving at school after 8:30am can begin to accumulate into significant absences from school and this in turn can have an overall negative impact on our little ones. We want to do everything we can to make their experiences at school as positive and meaningful as possible.
Of course, we understand that every now and then, morning routines can become hectic. We are completely compassionate to these types of situations. We know that an occasional late arrival to school is sometimes unavoidable, however chronic or consistent late arrival can result in a disruptive effect on student learning and routine.
Arriving late to school can result in:
- disruption to the start of your child’s day which often continues during the day
- feelings of disorientation, embarrassment and even some discomfort when they enter a classroom late
- students missing the vital morning instructions and daily information news/prayer opportunities
- disruption to the lesson for other students
- creating a bad habit that is difficult to break
- poor attendance.
If you feel you need any support in the space of consistent and punctual arrival to school, we are always more than happy to offer whatever support you feel you need. Please reach out if you feel this is an area in which you would like to work together in partnership. We are always here for you and your beautiful child/ren.
Blessings to you all for the coming weeks
Nicole Waller
From the Acting Assistant Principal Religious Education
Dear Families,
Welcome to Week 3 of Term 4.
I feel very blessed to be joining Guardian Angels’ Catholic School Community. I want to thank you for the warm welcome I have received and look forward to working in partnership with you over the next few weeks while Rhiannon is on leave. I am excited to have been given the opportunity to provide religious leadership and foster the religious life of our school community. I look forward to working with you and please feel free to introduce yourself to me when you see me around the school grounds.
October – Month of the Rosary
October is the month dedicated to the Rosary. The Rosary (in its fullness) is a prayer of devotion to Mary. The Rosary is composed of different Marian prayers with the main one being the Hail Mary. It also consists of recognition of 20 mysteries put into 4 different categories; the Glorious Mysteries, Sorrowful mysteries, Joyful mysteries and Luminous mysteries. I encourage to have a look at the link below to read more about this most beautiful and important prayer.
Year 5/6 Parent Information Evening – “Life Work in Progress”
This week on Wednesday evening Jennifer Mason from “Life Work in Progress” facilitated a Parent Information Evening for parents of students in Yr 5 & 6. The purpose of this evening was to allow parents and teachers to have access to the information and resources that Jennifer will be using during the Relationship and Sexuality Education student sessions scheduled for Monday 21st October 2024. The student sessions focus on the normal emotional and physical changes that young people go through in the process of puberty, as prescribed by the Australian Curriculum (HPE).
Important Dates
Please save the date for these upcoming school events. We look forward to sharing these wonderful occasions with you.
- All Saints’ Day Mass – 1st November – 9am – Shed
- SVDP Christmas Appeal Launch – at whole school assembly – Week 7
- Remembrance Day – Monday 11th November – 10am – Memorial Garden
- Volunteer Celebration Breakfast – Tuesday 19th November – 7.30am – GA Hall
- Year 6 Graduation – Thursday 21st November – 5.30pm – Liturgy – Church
- Year 6 Gradation Celebration – Thursday 21st November – 6.30pm – Wynnum Manly Leagues Club (Year 6 only)
- End of Year Mass – Monday 2nd December – 9am – Shed
- Nativity Play – led by Prep Blue – Monday 2nd December 2pm – Shed
- End of Year Celebration – Friday 6th December – 11.15am – Shed
- Christmas Concert – Wednesday 4th December – 6.00pm - Shed
God Bless,
Nicholas Cotter
From the Primary Learning Leader
Dear Parents,
At Guardian Angels, we believe that providing quality engaging texts is essential for our students’ learning that is why we are very excited about our latest purchase of Decodable texts. However, before these books can make their way into the classrooms, we do need to have them covered.
If you have any time available on a Monday morning (commencing next Monday 21 October) to help with covering our new decodable home readers, or even take some home to cover, your support would be greatly appreciated. Please see the flyer below.
If you are like me and your contacting skills could be holding you back, please DO NOT WORRY!! Our wonderful Library School Officer Mrs Lawer has a great little devise to get those bubbles out!!
As we start to move towards the end of a fantastic school year, we just wanted to send out a friendly reminder about a tiny task that can make a big difference.
📚 Bookish Business: The Case of the Overdue Items! 🕵️♂️
It seems some of our incredible library treasures have embarked on unexpected extended vacations of their own, and they're having a blast exploring different corners of your homes.
But, here's the plot twist: these adventurous items are missing their buddies at school and are eager to reunite for more epic tales. We believe in happy endings, so we're kindly asking for your help in rounding up these wayward wanderers.
🔍 Mission Checklist:
- Be on the Lookout: Overdue reminders notices will be sent home with students and/or emailed over the coming weeks. Be on the lookout for these.
- Scour the Shelves: Take a peek on your bookshelves, under the bed, or wherever those sneaky books might be hiding.
- Gather the Gang: Assemble all the overdue items and prepare for their triumphant return.
- School Drop-off: Bring the adventurers back to school so they can continue their exciting adventures with new readers.
Please note: Any overdue items not returned by 22 November, will be charged to your school fees (non-refundable).
Thank you for being the incredible partners in education that you are!
Happy reading!
For those students who participated in the ICAS Assessments, our certificates have finally arrived. Students will be presented with these at Assembly on Wednesday 30 October (Week 5).
Bandanna Day 24th October
Bandanna Day is all about raising money for Canteen an organisation which
helps young people impacted by cancer.
24th October 2024
Cost: $7
Bandannas will be on sale from Monday 21st October through to Thursday 24th October (Bandanna Day).
Bandannas will be sold on the GA campus before school each morning.
Bandannas will be sold on the MC Campus each lunchtime.
Cash is preferred, however, we have a QR code parents can use to purchase one with their smart phones.
Students are only allowed to wear their bandannas on Thursday 24th October.
This initiative has been proudly organised by the Service Leadership Group.
Student Awards
Congratulations to the following students, who received a LIVE the GA Way Award at assembly.
These students demonstrate the LIVE the GA Way in all they do and say:
Angus G, Evelyn L, Eloise N, Alyssa LF, Oliver W, Cloe C, Hugh O, Irish M, Kayla G, Sofia P, Mila K, Addison G, Sienna S, Finley W, Ethan H, Maya G, Lola C, Alexis, S, Finnian K, Carter C, Nash G, Arte D, Katara L, Noah W, Charlotte A, Piper W, Cathal L, Amber S, Remi S, Lincoln O, Keeley Z, Amelia J, Daniel G, Joe GC, Abbie F, Kit P, Charlotte T, Finn M, Anjelo C.
School Fees
School fees for Term 4 2024 were issued on Friday 11 October and are due for payment by 25 October. Thank you to those families who have already made payments or who have arrangements in place.
If you have not received a copy of your statement, please check your junk/spam email folder. If you require another copy of your statement, please request by emailing
Payment options are:
- BPAY using the reference details on your statement.
- Online Payment:
- EFTPOS via the School Offices.
Please always feel free to contact the Finance Office should you ever have any questions.
Kind regards
Amy Hardisty – Finance Officer
From the Tuckshop
Wednesday 23 October - Carla B
Thursday 24 October – Helper Needed
Friday 25 October – Naomi & Cass
Wednesday 30 October – Helper Needed
Thursday 31 October - Helper Needed
Friday 1 November – Naomi and Helper Needed
Please note that if we are unable to get volunteers, orders for that day will have to be capped to allow our staff time to prepare, cook and pack your students' orders.
Please contact Kendell Trevisan - - if you are able to volunteer your time in the canteen in 2024.
Before commencing your role as a volunteer or other personnel at our school, you are required to complete the online volunteer training. This training needs to be renewed annually and can be found here:
P&F 2024 Survey
Dear Parents
Can you please take 5 minutes to complete our short 2024 P&F survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us shape the events and activities that bring our school community together.
Whether it's fun for the kids, opportunities for families to connect or fundraising initiatives, your ideas are the heart of what we do. Thank you for taking the time support our P&F.
AGM Notice & Nominations
Guardian Angels 2025 Parents and Friends Advisory Group Nomination Form
Guardian Angels Primary School Parents & Friends
Annual General Meeting 2024
Tuesday 12th November 2024
6.30pm (Mt Carmel campus Staff Room – enter via Chestnut St)
As in previous years, all committee positions will be declared vacant. We are required to fill all vacated positions at the AGM.
Therefore, our P&F needs plenty of support on the night and we encourage both new and experienced members of our community to become involved. The AGM requires a quorum of 10 people, we look forward to seeing you there.
- Involvement in the P&F at Guardian Angels provides us all with many worthwhile benefits, including:
A means of collaborating & partnership with the Principal, school staff and parents
A democratic way of sharing ideas & initiatives
An avenue for decision making
A plan to take action
Strategies to build stronger community relationships
The P&F Committee has a focus on supporting the school, building community relationships and social activities. At the centre of our involvement are our children here at Guardian Angels.
The executive committee is responsible for working with the Principal and leadership team to build community and family engagement within the school while supporting initiatives in respect to student learning and wellbeing.
A brief overview of the executive committee is outlined, along with details of the roles that make up our sub-committee. Please come along & become involved with Guardian Angel’s P&F for 2025.
Many hands make light work and we appreciate any/all time you can give.
If you wish to nominate for our executive committee, please fill in the form and return it to the office or email
Guardian Angels 2025 Parents and Friends Advisory Group Nomination Form
Executive Committee Roles
- Ensures an effective & well-run organisation by:
- Establishing a good relationship with all members of the committee & other organisations
- Continuing a positive working relationship with the school Principal & the school community
- Ensure all meetings are properly convened
- Planning & follow up on actions from the P&F meeting
Vice President:
- Supports the president and shares duties where necessary
- Supports the executive committee where necessary
- Takes minutes at meetings & sends to all parties, puts together the agendas for monthly meetings, clears the mail from the offices & also the inbox of the P&F email
General Committee members
- Attend meetings as regularly as possible
- Assist with events & functions
- Assist with projects if required
Guardian Angels Parents and Friends Advisory Group Committee Member Nomination Form 2025
NAME: ______________________________________
NOMINATED ROLE: ______________________________________
SIGNATURE: ______________________________________
DATE: ______________________________________
Contact email: _______________________________________
Either bring in the form to either office or email your nomination to
Thank you for your nomination & support.
Year 1 Tuckshop & Swimming
End of Year Disco
Book Club
Sports Aerobics
Bookclub Volunteer
Community News
Copyright in some materials appearing in this newsletter are owned by third parties and should not be used or reproduced without the authority of the third party. The links to websites or webpages are for information purposes only. To the extent that such third party materials are not owned by BCE, we accept no responsibility for such content.